Cloud Computing Technology Seminar Abstract, Report.


Cloud computing is a paradigm-shifting technology that revolutionizes how businesses and individuals store, access, and utilize computing resources. This abstract provides an overview of cloud computing, highlighting its key concepts, deployment models, and benefits.

Cloud Computing Server Room – (image is for representation purposes only)

Cloud computing enables on-demand access to a pool of shared computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, networking, and software, delivered over the internet. It offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, allowing organizations to scale their infrastructure based on demand dynamically, pay for what they use, and avoid the upfront costs associated with traditional on-premises infrastructure.

There are various deployment models in cloud computing, including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud. Public cloud services are offered by third-party providers and are accessible to multiple users over the Internet. Private cloud services, on the other hand, are dedicated to a single organization and may be hosted on-premises or by a third-party provider. Hybrid cloud combines public and private cloud infrastructure, while multi-cloud involves using services from multiple cloud providers.

Cloud computing offers numerous benefits to organizations and individuals. It enables agility and faster time-to-market by providing instant access to computing resources. It promotes scalability, allowing users to scale up or down based on their needs. Cloud computing also enhances reliability and availability through redundant infrastructure and data backups. Additionally, it facilitates collaboration, data sharing, and remote access, enabling geographically distributed teams to work seamlessly.

Despite its benefits, cloud computing introduces challenges and considerations related to security, privacy, and data governance. Organizations must implement robust security measures, establish data protection policies, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations to mitigate risks.

In conclusion, cloud computing has transformed the IT landscape by offering scalable, flexible, and cost-effective computing resources. Its impact spans across various industries and sectors, enabling innovation, digital transformation, and the realization of new business opportunities. Organizations must carefully evaluate their requirements and choose appropriate deployment models and cloud services to fully leverage the power of cloud computing.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new model for how businesses and individuals use IT. As cloud computing grows, it will change how you do business and help your organization become more agile and productive. This article will explain cloud computing, how it works, and why it can benefit your company.

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What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a way of using the internet to store and access information. It can hold and process large amounts of data, such as video, audio, documents and images.

Cloud computing isn’t just about storing information on remote servers; it also involves accessing it via a network connection rather than keeping it locally on your computer. This means you don’t have to download all your files when using cloud services—you just need an internet connection from home or work (or anywhere else).

Cloud computing offers many benefits for users and businesses alike:

Cloud computing provides a set of benefits for users and companies.

Cloud computing is internet-based computing that provides services to computer users. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient and on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services).

The cloud allows companies to reduce costs by using fewer hardware resources than they would have otherwise. In addition, you can use the same software for all your employees without having to purchase expensive licenses for each person or department in your company.

Features and benefits of cloud computing

Cloud computing offers a set of benefits for users and businesses. These include:

  • Agility: You can use cloud services to scale up your business quickly without buying and installing new hardware.
  • Scalability: You can access your data from any device with an Internet connection and use web applications that are available 24/7, even when the grid is down or congested due to an accident like Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
  • Cost savings: Cloud computing is based on virtualization rather than physical servers. It’s cheaper than traditional models—especially if you run more than one app per server type (e.g., Web Hosting). This makes it possible for individual users who don’t need ample storage space or bandwidth but want access to specific software tools at all times while saving money on those resources themselves instead!

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a type of cloud computing that enables users to rent access to hardware, software and network resources. A user can participate in the cloud’s IaaS by purchasing an infrastructure subscription and accessing the underlying hardware via virtual machines hosted on that infrastructure. The primary benefit of using IaaS for your business is that it enables you to run multiple applications simultaneously without having to purchase or maintain any physical servers or storage devices yourself; instead, all you have to do is pay for what you need from within an application-aware interface called an account management tool.

For example: if your company needs high-capacity servers with lots of memory but not much processing power—and if those requirements don’t change often—you might choose Amazon Web Services EC2 instance type because it gives users access to virtual machines running Windows Server 2012 R2 Enterprise Edition operating systems with up to 8 cores per CPU core; 64GB RAM; 15GB hard drive space (SSD); 1Gbps bandwidth per node (maximum throughput); high availability across regions worldwide

Platform as a service (PaaS)

PaaS is a cloud computing platform that provides a development environment and tools for building and deploying applications without requiring the user to manage the underlying hardware and operating system.

The model works by providing users with an isolated environment in which they can develop, test and deploy their applications without worrying about running them on physical servers. This means you don’t need to worry about hardware or OS configuration or how your app will perform when it goes live.

Software as a service (SaaS)

SaaS is software delivered over the internet. It allows customers to access software or applications from the cloud instead of having to download and install them on their computers.

SaaS can be used for many different types of software, including:

  • Business applications that run on Windows or Mac OS X (e.g., Office 365)
  • Software as a service (SaaS), which includes web services like Gmail and PayPal; desktop applications like Adobe’s Photoshop Creative Cloud; mobile apps such as Apple’s iMessage app

How does cloud computing work?

Cloud computing is internet-based computing that allows users to access data, applications and services from a web browser or any other device. It provides shared resources, software and information to computers and devices on demand.

Cloud computing allows you to scale your infrastructure up or down without worrying about buying additional hardware or setting up new servers. The advantage is that you can get more out of your existing investments by using cloud technology instead of buying new ones whenever you need something new—like storage space for photos or videos not captured with your phone camera!

Scalability and elasticity are key features of cloud computing.

Elasticity and scalability are key features of cloud computing.

  • Elasticity means adding or removing capacity on the fly
  • Scalability means your service can handle more users at any given time.

Realistically speaking, there’s no “one size fits all” solution for cloud services—each has its own set of pros and cons, depending on your wants. An excellent example of this would be Google Cloud Storage—it offers both elasticity (the ability to increase/decrease storage space) and scalability (the ability for users’ data requests not just to be met but exceeded).

Cloud computing adaption (as of 2022).

Today’s leading companies are already using the cloud to transform their business in many ways. Cloud computing is a new way of doing business because it saves organisations time and money by eliminating the need for infrastructure management, security, and other IT functions that would otherwise have been performed internally.

Cloud computing has also increased productivity by allowing you to work from anywhere with an Internet connection, access files from any device (even mobile devices), and collaborate on projects with others around the globe—all without having to worry about which server or operating system you should use for your application development efforts. In addition, when an organization has outsourced its IT operations outside of its walls and into the cloud-based infrastructure provided by third-party vendors such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services (Azure), they can focus more fully on strategic direction rather than spending all day trying out different solutions before making decisions about what will work best overall within their enterprise environments…

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Cloud computing has become the new normal for companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. The technology is still maturing, but it promises to revolutionize business models like websites, and social media have in recent years. This new form of computing can make life easier for both users and businesses alike, though there are some concerns about security and privacy as well.