Humanoid Robots Seminar Abstract, Report

An Introduction to Humanoid Robots
Humanoid Robot is one of the most ambitious and exciting ventures of the technology field. Today, there have been many human-like robots created. These humanoids perform many functions to assist humans in different undertakings. These include space missions, driving and monitoring high speed vehicles and many more. They are called humanoids because they resemble humans. They have sensors and actuators which do the actual work of motion. Sensors detect changes in environment like motion, heating, change in direction and actuators are the motors responsible for movement. These human robots have a motion which is close to that of humans. The actuators used are mainly rotary actuators in order to get the human-like motions.

Human body and its movements have to be studied in great detail to get the desired motion from the humanoids. This study is known as biomechanics. It is this that differentiates humanoids from other robots. Many tech companies like Honda, Sony and Sansui have been aggressors at developing humanoids that can perform motion resembling humans. Since ancient times, people have been curious about humanoids. Designing and imagination of humanoids goes back to the 14th century. Although it's still in its growing stage, development of advanced humanoids is a field that has a promising future.

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