499 topics for projects. Computer Science Engineering (List 2)
Hi All, Here I am posting 499 project topic titles. These are the most popular projects taken as final-year projects in recent years. Choose an appropriate one for your project. Remember to map your aspiration with your project since your first employer may consider your project your exciting topic area.
You can find the First List here: 499 Project Topics for Computer Science (List 1)
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CS Project topic list series #2.
Accident prevention system for hairpin bend zone
Accurate Anomaly Detection Through Parallelism
Active Learning Methods for Image Retrieval
Actuarial projection system
Advance IP Traceback Scheme
Advance vehicle and highway management system
Advanced Computer Cluster Architecture
Advanced public bus transportation system for India
Aggregate queries on uncertain results of data integration systems
Agile/Generic/Agent-oriented programming
All in One Steganography
Anomaly Detection/One-Class Classification Algorithm
AntiSqlFilter-Blocking SQL Injection Hacker Attacks
Application of Geometric invariants in finding structural properties in biological molecules
Applications and network vulnerabilities
Automatic Java Media Manager
Automatic Medicine Announcement System
Autonomic Computing and Self Healing Systems
Barcode Capture and Recognition for EAN Barcodes Using Cell phone Camera
Biological data management
Biotechnologies/Bioinformatics/Biometrics/Biomedical systems
Using Multitude of Time Series Forecasting Models to Improve Forecast
Building a Distributed Computing Environment in KreSIT
Building Cluster Environment For Interactive Users.
Building VoIP over DEP Network
Business Card Manager
Business continuity and availability
Business process integration and management
Bypassing Vista USA and correctly launching interactive process from a windows service.
Chaos-based Encryption for a Structured Video Codec
Characterization of JVM
Code Database Servers-A Centralized Compiler Architecture
Code Review Tool Using Existing Third Party Implementations
Cognitive science and knowledge agent-based systems
College management system
Collision-free tag reading mechanism for RFID Network with Mobile Readers.
Colour Image Segmentation
Compression in Flash-based Databases
Computational biochemistry
Computational Geometry in Drug Design
Computer graphics and animation
Computer modelling/simulation
Congestion Window Control
Consumer accessibility appliances and services
Consumer trust in a digital society
Consumer-oriented devices and services
Consumer-oriented digital economics
Consumer-oriented e-commerce
Content Cognizant data dissemination
Contention Window Differentiation Mechanism for providing QoS in 802.11
Context-aware and self-management systems
Mitigating the Reader Collision Problem in RFID Networks with Mobile Readers
Performance Analysis of Telephony Routing over IP
Control and monitoring systems
Control Setting of Unified Power Flow Controller Through Load Flow Calculation
Counting Bloom Filters for Pattern Matching and Anti-evasion at the Wire Speed
Cryptography and algorithms encryption
CSI-KNN-based Intrusion Detection System
Customer Support Protocol
Data Recovery In Ext2 files system and Adding secure deletion to your favourite file System
Database In Smart Cards
Data-centred information systems
Decision support systems
Dedicated Short-range roadside communication for vehicles
Deduplication and Soft matching
Design and Deployment of a Reliable File Transfer Protocol over Asymmetric Satellite Networks
Code Generation for Lazy Functional Languages
Design and Deployment of a Transfer Control Protocol over Asymmetric Satellite Networks
Design and Evaluation of an IEEE 802.11 Based Dual MAC for MANETs
Design and Implementation of RSVP-TE over MPLS Emulator
Design and Implementation of Traffic Engineering Extensions for OSPF
Design considerations for computer-telephony application programming interfaces and related components
Design of Multi-threaded Label Distribution Protocol for MPLS Emulator
Desk FM Monitor
3D View Morphing
Learning Paths for Information Extraction
Detection of recurring patterns in protein structure by superimposition and geometric hashing
Developing port scanning and detection system
Developing wireless components
Development of an API for using SMS as the transport layer.
Development of basic TGREP simulator
Development of Customer relationship Management System to increase Sales
Development of LBX: Low-Bandwidth X
Development of Orchestration Server based on BPEL4WS standard (tentatively named as “ORCSERV”).
Development of QoS enhancement in VOIP application development of QoS enhancement in VOIP application
Development of a simple IP subnet calculator tool
Semi-Automatic generation of properties for verification
Protein prediction.
Development of Thin LINUX desktop with or without X
Digital analysis and processing
Digital information processing (Voice/Data/Video)
Digital telecommunications management
Digital video browser and multimedia content search
Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path
Dimensioning Network Links: A New Look at Equivalent Bandwidth
Direct Manipulation Technique for Wireless Networking
Directory Retrieval Using Voice Form Filling Online
DNS based Multihoming
Document Manager
DSP Based Virtual Private Network
Dynamic Adaption of DCF and PCF mode of IEEE 802.11 WLAN
Dynamic Location Strategy for Hot Mobile Subscribers in personal Communications
Dynamic Signature Verification Using Discriminative Training
Dynamic Slicing of Programs
Dynamic Topology Extraction for Component-Based Enterprise Application Environments
E-Banking transaction system and portal for bank officials and customer
e-Business, e-Science systems
E-Commerce related project
Economics of security and protection
Effective Decision Tree Algorithm
Effective Monitoring of Web navigation using Code Check
Effectively Tuning and Optimizing the Database
Efficient Algorithm for Virtual-Wavelength-Path Routing Minimizing Average Number of Hops
Efficient Causality Tracking in Optimistic Distributed Simulation
Efficient OSPF Based Load Sensitive Routing Algorithm.
Efficient Way To Capturing and sending images and videos from mobile to PC and Vice-Versa
E-form Application for Employee Management Using Hibernate Vs JDBC
E-Job Card and Timesheet Using Hibernate Vs JDBC
EKNOW: Information and knowledge management
Embedded and real-time systems
Embedded Real-Time Systems
Embedded Systems for Automobiles
Energy and power systems control
Enhance the Email Performance Through SMTP- New Approach
Enterprise Application Integration
Enterprise Mobile Service Platform Using JMS & J2ME
Entity Recognition on the Web
Estimating latencies and buffer requirements in multimedia networks
Estimating Ridge Topologies with High Curvature for Fingerprint Authentication Systems
Expert systems
Exploiting Local Regularities in Text Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields
Exploring XUL as a GUI development kit
Factory management system
Fair and dynamic Bandwidth Distribution Architecture
Fast Algorithms for the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
File System Workload Analysis
Filter Object Framework for MICO – Dynamic Model
Filter Object Framework for MICO – Static Model
Fine-grained symmetric multiprocessor software architecture for TCP/IP stack on the UNM platform
Fingerprint Orientation Model Based on 2D Fourier Expansion (FOMFE) and Its Application to Singular-Point Detection and Fingerprint Indexing
Implement SIP call control for voice Telephony.
Flexible Network Monitoring Tool Based on a Data Stream Management System
Forecasting using Genetic Algorithms.
Forecasting using Neural Networks
FPGA implementation of 802.11 MAC.
Framework for cascading Payments in P2P
Framework for Distributed Key Management Schemes in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Generating Windows Presentation Foundation using templates
Generation of Reliable PINs from Fingerprints
Geographic and spatial data infrastructures
Global Insurance Management System
Government services in the context of digital society
GPRS Traffic Performance Measurements
Granite Business management system
Graphic/Image/Photo/Hand-writing analysis and processing
Graphical Search Engine
Grid Computing
Grid Extension Framework for Large Scale Parallel Financial Modeling
GSM Based LAN Monitoring
GUI Front-end for Postgres
Hacker’s Approach to Improve the A.I. Behind CAPTCHA
Handled and wearable computing and devices
Handover Keying and its Uses
Hardware – Software Codesign using hierarchical Finite State machines
Hedonic and perceived digital quality
Honey Pots- A Security System to Identify Black Hat Community in Networks
Host-Based IDS
Human Age Estimation
Human factors in computer systems
Human Head Internal Rendering with Mouth and Text To Speech Synthesizer
Human/Machine interface and man-in-the-loop control
Hybrid Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning
Hybrid Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver
Hybrid Mechanism for Enhancing the Performance of Streaming Service in D-T MA
Hybrid Model-Based Reasoning in Finance
Hybrid Query Expansion
Hybrid wireless-optical broadband access network (woban): prototype Development and Research challenges
ICT support for collaboration
Image Classification Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Image Restoration
Impact of Node Mobility on MANET Routing Protocols Models
Implement Registration Server and Presence Server for SIP.
Implement a security framework for P to P file system (P2P or peer to peer)
Implementation of an ASP-based Supply Chain Management System
Implementation of BPCS-Steganography
Implementation of Soil-biotechnology(SBT)
Implementation of Virtual Private Database (VPDmechanism for POSTGRES.)
Imprecision/Uncertainty/Incompleteness in databases
Improve Forecasting Performance Using Decomposition and Combining
Improving the performance of large scale data integration systems
Improving the RFID Systems to read the tags efficiently
Incorporating Quality Considerations into Project Time/Cost Tradeoff Analysis and Decision Making.
Indian Internet Tomography
Information ethics and legal evaluations
Information Extraction
Information Extraction using a Database
Information Hiding Using Fractal Encoding
Information management systems
Information Retrieval
Information Retrieval SMS Server
Information technologies
Information-Theoretic Text Similarity Measurement Using Approximate Word Sense Disambiguation
Informational mining/retrieval/classification
Insurance Management System
Integrated Case-Based Reasoning And Rule-Based Reasoning for Insurance
Intelligent Call Routing & Management using IVR in Asterisk Server
Intelligent Dictionary Based encoding Algorithm for data compressing for High-Speed Transformation Over the Internet
Intelligent Greenhouse
Intelligent Multi-sensor System for Control of Boilers and Furnaces
Intelligent user interfaces
Interaction in smart environments
Interactive Deduplication using Active Learning
Interactive Multiplayer Mobile Games Using Bluetooth
Intranet Based Email System
Investigating Correlation-Based Fingerprint Authentication Schemes for Mobile Devices Using the J2ME technology
IP Spoofing Detection Approach (ISDA) for Network Intrusion Detection System
J2ME end-to-end security for M-commerce.
Java Dynamic Data Viewer
Java SIP Signaling Comptroller
Job portal
Knowledge acquisition, processing, and management
Knowledge data systems
Knowledge of global defence
Knowledge modelling and virtualization
LAN Based Bit Torrent
Learning relevance order over graphically linked objects
leave planner
Library management system
Linguistic knowledge representation
Linux Clustering
Load Balancer in client-server architectures
Log browser
Low Bit Rate Speech Coding
Low-cost affordable raid storage
MAC Layer Scheduling in Ad-hoc Networks
Management and control
Matchmaking website
Maximum Confidence Hidden Markov Modeling for Face Recognition
Measurement-Based Performance Characterization of Software Servers
Media Handling for Multimedia Conferencing in Multihop Cellular Networks
Medical management system
Middleware for group communication in a hybrid network.
Mobile Based Software Inspection
Mobile consumers and interactive spaces
Mobile learning and communications
Mobile TV and IPTV
MobiNet: A Scalable Emulation Infrastructure for Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks
Model Checking of Software Components: Combining Java Pathfinder and Behavior Protocol Model Checker
Motion Detecting System
Multicast Application and Approach to Security issues using key management
Multi-criteria decision theory
Multi-input Fuzzy Logic Controller for Brushless dc Motor Drives
Multimodal and interactive interfaces
Multi-threaded Label Distribution Protocol for MPLS Emulator
Nanotechnologies/Systems-on-the-chip/Networks-on-the-chip/ Haptic phenomena
Natural language processing / robust processing
Network Anomaly detection and classification via opportunistic sampling.
Network-based Gaming Server.(NGS)
Network Simulation Creator and Animator/NAM Enhanced Simulation Animation (NS2)
Neuronal networks/Fuzzy logic/Temporal logic/ Genetic Algorithms
New Adversary and New Threats: Security in Unattended Sensor Networks
Object-Based Video Segmentation
Object-level Partitioning of Applications
OMR Sheet Reader
On supporting Design evolution and traceability
On the Performance of Ad Hoc Networks with Multiuser Detection, Rate Control and Hybrid ARQ
On-demand business transformation
Online book shop management system
Online bug tracking and customer support system
Online call logging and customer support system
Online consumer decision support & advertising
Online Employee Time Management System
Online health care system
Online matrimonial system
Online Video/Audio Conference
Open and distance education systems
Text Watermarking Algorithm based on Word Classification and Inter-word Space Statistics & Multi-word features
Optimal Router Buffer Size
Optimization and information technology
Optimization on Postgres optimizer
Optimizing the evaluation of complex similarity predicates on large datasets
Organizational information systems
Web Based Artificial Intelligence Simulations
Circular Target Detection and Pattern Detection
Overload Control of Web Services with SEDA
P-AODV: Extension of AODV for Partially Connected Ad Hoc Networks
Parallelizing XML Processing Pipelines via Map Reduce
Pattern recognition / Computer vision
Payroll information system
PCI Interface to Wireless LAN
Peer To Peer Secure Internet Telephony (SIP)
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.16 MAC
Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Servlet Containers
Performance Study of Infiniband Based Cluster
Pervasive and ubiquitous systems
Physical Implementation and Evaluation of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols using Unmodi ed Simulation Models
Polyphonic Wizards
Power-Aware duty scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks
Power Flow Control with UPFC
Pragmatic general multicast
Process Monitoring System
Productivity Enhancement tool for the Animation industry
Program verification/validation/correctness
Programming languages and supporting tools
Project Management System
Publish-Subscribe systems for P2P Networks
Pure Optical router for Optical routing without electronic intervention
Self-addressable Memory-Based FSM: a Scalable Intrusion Detection Engine
Push Vs Pull: Quantitative Comparison for Data Broadcast
QoS Architecture for Mobile Nodes
QoS based Routing Algorithms in the Internet
QoS in Wireless Networks
Application of Mobile Agent Systems to First Responder Training With Flexibility
Quality of Resilience as a Network Reliability Characterization Tool
Quality of Service Provisioning in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
Quantum Key Distribution for 3rd party authentication
Quicklook approach to IDS
Rapid Internet attacks and network
Real native and persistent layer for Java & .Net
Reasoning models/Model checking/Modular reasoning/
Receiver feedback-based rate adaptation of multimedia sources.
Reconfigurable Packet Classifier
Reconfigurable Scheduling Co-Processor
Recurring Functional Sites in Protein Structures detected with allowance for Substitution of Amino Acids.
Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environments
Remote Service Monitor.
Remote Switching Control System for Home Appliances
RFID based car parking system
RFID reader enabled mobile with environment alert and mobile tracking
RFID Security
Rich Internet Application Using Flux Frame for Managing Workflow in the healthcare domain
Risk Homeostasis and Network Security
Robotics/Mobile devices/ Mobile networks
Robust Distributed Speech Recognition using Speech Enhancement
Ann Based Control Patterns Estimator For UPFC Used In Power Flow Problem
Robust HTML to DOM conversion and applications
Role-Based Access Control
Route Repair in Mobile Adhoc Networks
Satellite Image Processing. Collegelib.
Scalable Urban Network Simulator
Secure Internet Connectivity for Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) based Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Secure Mobile Agent System Model Based on Extended Elementary Object System
Secure Mobile Banking & Security Issues
Secure Routers
Secure Update Semantics in XML databases (Area)
Security in networks, systems, and applications
Security Issues in Mobile Agents
Self-monitoring, self-diagnosing, self-management systems
Semantic WEB
Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Using Hidden Markov Model
Semiotic engineering of online services
Sequential switching for industrial application
Services in Converged Network (Value-Added Services)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in Java
Short Term Load Forecasting
Signal Processing Module for the Analysis of Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs
Simple and Efficient Hidden Markov Model Scheme for Host-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection
Simulation Analysis of Routing Misbehaviour in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Simulation Study of BlackHole Attack In MANET: Detection and Prevention
Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK TCP
Slicing of Synchronous Programs
Smart and digital homes
Smart consumer appliances
Smart System for Remote Monitoring of Patients and SMS Messaging upon Critical Condition
Software as a service
Software development and deployment
software life cycle maintainer
Software robustness for digital society
Software specification and design methodologies
Measurement and management systems
Soundbox: A Graphical Interface to Digital
Source code management (like Rational Clearcase)
Spectral methods for Graph Partitioning
Speech enable appliances
Speech recognition and processing
Statistical Learners for Information Extraction: An Empirical Approach
Statistical models for Information Extraction from webpages
Statistics Based Design of MAC Protocols with Distributed Collision Resolution for Ad Hoc Networks
Streaming in Networks
Synchronization Specifier and Presenter for Authoring System
System advanced paradigms
Tackling the exposed node problem in IEEE 802.11 MAC
Mobile devices and biotechnologies
Tax management system
TAX: Tree Algebra for XML Implementation
Telematic Application – Global Position Aware Vehicle
The Impact of Loss Recovery on Congestion Control for Reliable Multicast
Tools for comparative analysis of extraction algorithms
Topology-Aware Failure Diagnosis For Distributed Enterprise Systems.
Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF
Treating Patients’ Diabetes Using Mobile and PC
Trust, privacy, and safeness
Two-Rule-Based Linguistic Fuzzy Controllers
Unified Log-Based Relevance Feedback Scheme for Image Retrieval
UPFC Simulation and Control Using the ATP/EMTP and MATLAB/Simulink Programs
Use of wavelets in Forecasting
User Interfaces for Web Applications
User-centric information systems
Utility-Based Incentive Scheme for P2P File Sharing in MANETs
Vehicle Driver Rating System
Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation
Vehicular navigation and control
Verification of Communicating Reactive State Machines
Verifying Delivery, Authorization and Integrity of Electronic Messages
Personal information management
Video over variable bandwidth links
Video Streaming in Wireless Environments
Virtual classroom
Virtual reality/3D graphics/Games
Usability, aesthetics, and accessibility
Virtual University
Visual Layout Driven Information Extraction from Websites
Visualization and Analysis Tool for NS-2 Wireless Simulations: iNSpect
Voice message transfer using Personalised Repository based Speech-Coding techniques
Voice Over IP
VoIP over a wireless network
Water Marking Relational Databases Using Optimization technique
Wearable devices
Web Application Server Development Using SMS
Web Attacks Alerter Using Feature Extraction and SNORT
Web Based help desk
Web Monitoring for Lightweight Devices
Web-based presentation of Soil-biotechnology (SBT)
Webcam Image Tracker.
WiMax MAC over WiFi PHY for rural communication
Wireless Data Traffic Decade of Change
Without Load Balancing in MANET: Single Path Routing Vs. Multi-Path Routing
Without packet Reordering dynamic load balancing
Workflow Management System
XML agents in Smart Cards
Zero-knowledge systems
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