Electricity Theft Monitoring System Seminar Abstract, Report

An introduction to Electricity Theft Monitoring System

The Electrical engineering students have a very relevant topic to explore. Only mere generating electricty is at all not solving the problem of de-electrification of areas in a state. A proper monitoring system is required that will detect and prevent the electricity loss. This loss can be of any form technical or non-technical. This is one of the areas that new emerging electrical engineering students should use their knowledge to develop this system to make the electricity distribution system more efficiently than ever. The system should also measure the total power consumption as per specifications, utilized the power and unutilized power as well.

The illegal usages of electricity cause huge revenue loss to the Government as well as affect the price of energy per unit to common people. One of the most common examples of power loss is the dissipation of power in transmission lines. Though it is easier to calculate the technical power loss as per standard process. In case of non-technical loss, most of the cases the system cannot identify unauthorized loads. The most horrifying thing is the electricity theft, People do not use meter or manipulate electricity meters for their benefit. All these issues need to be detected in this monitoring system prepared by the students.

We prepared and published this seminar abstract for final year engineering students seminar research. You should do your own research additional to this information before presenting your seminar.
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