Did you enjoy school?

Did you enjoy school? What are some interesting things you learn in school?
(09-06-2013, 11:30 PM)3DWaffle1 Wrote: Did you enjoy school? What are some interesting things you learn in school?

I'm currently still in school right now and I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with it. There are times when I am completely interested in the topics; however...sometimes the grades don't reflect the effort I put in, which can be extremely frustrating. At the end of the day, I can say that I have not regret going to engineering school, but it certainly has been a love/hate relationship for me. It certainly does feel good when you get that "ah-hah" moment while studying for a class though!
Here in England we call school the mandatory school you have to attend before College. I did not at all enjoy school. The classes were rather boring and you learn things that pan out to be rather unnecessary or of little use in later life. This does not apply to all classes, but certainly a vast majority of them. After school I attended College. College was more entertaining because you are not required to wear a uniform and you can be yourself more. College allows you to express yourself and meet other people in a much nicer environment then that of school. At College I partook in various IT and Graphics courses. I learnt quite a lot; from web design to programming, CAD/CAM to image and video editing. It was really fun and inspired me to also learn on my own accord.