An Introduction to 64-Point FT Chip
A 64-point FT chip is a 16 bit chip. It is primarily used in LAN networks. It has a word length of 64 bits. It is used by making it into two halves of 8 point FFTs. It is essentially a processor which helps in complex multiplication operations. This device is very quick and accurate in spite of the complex nature of its operations. It does not need any other memory device like RAM or ROM for storing the coefficients while doing its work. This is another reason why it is preferred to other devices which perform similar functions. The total area of this chip is 6.8meters square.
It requires an average voltage supply of 1.8 Volts. Thus it is power efficient and works on less energy. It is best suited to carry out complex operations at low power. It is used in IEEE 802 standard modem. It does its mathematical operations based on Fourier transform. This Fourier transform is a mathematical method and is well known for its quick results. This is the reason why the 64-point FT chip is so quick in its operations. This chip is very easily adjustable to other hardware and does not have compatibility issues. One can count on this chip in case of long and menial operations of the inside of the digital devices.
We prepared and published this seminar abstract for final year engineering students seminar research. You should do your own research additional to this information before presenting your seminar.
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A 64-point FT chip is a 16 bit chip. It is primarily used in LAN networks. It has a word length of 64 bits. It is used by making it into two halves of 8 point FFTs. It is essentially a processor which helps in complex multiplication operations. This device is very quick and accurate in spite of the complex nature of its operations. It does not need any other memory device like RAM or ROM for storing the coefficients while doing its work. This is another reason why it is preferred to other devices which perform similar functions. The total area of this chip is 6.8meters square.
It requires an average voltage supply of 1.8 Volts. Thus it is power efficient and works on less energy. It is best suited to carry out complex operations at low power. It is used in IEEE 802 standard modem. It does its mathematical operations based on Fourier transform. This Fourier transform is a mathematical method and is well known for its quick results. This is the reason why the 64-point FT chip is so quick in its operations. This chip is very easily adjustable to other hardware and does not have compatibility issues. One can count on this chip in case of long and menial operations of the inside of the digital devices.
We prepared and published this seminar abstract for final year engineering students seminar research. You should do your own research additional to this information before presenting your seminar.
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