Windows DNA Seminar Report, Abstract

An introduction to Windows DNA
The word Windows DNA essentially means Windows Distributed Internet Applications Architecture. This is basically the marketing name used for a collection of all Microsoft technologies which help the Windows platform and the internet to work in sync with each other. There are various technologies which are included in the DNA some of them are Dynamic HTML or DHTML; COM and ActiveX. This system can be easily integrated with the other third party DNA systems. Windows DNA has opened up avenues for better application development. In order to fully leverage the use of DNA the developers have to first learn the latest technology in the Windows DNA platform. Next they have to use these technologies while developing new softwares.

However companies also benefit from adopting Windows DNA. There are various advantages when it comes to adopting  the Windows DNA platform. The main aspect is less manpower. Companies can cut down on the staff required once this platform is adopted. Additionally, companies also benefit from a lower usage of existing hardware and software resources. There is also a reduction in the time taken to complete tasks. Microsoft has been continuously working on different DNA projects. The near future will witness the launch of Windows DNA 2000.

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