Secure ATM by Image Processing seminar report, abstract

Secure automated teller machine(ATM) by Image Processing, an introduction
The biometric is said to have many limitations. Due to its drawbacks the multimodal biometric has emerged to provide a secure solution. The multimodal biometric system is a much more secure system ensuring more than one check. This is mostly used in cases of bank security. This system involves the finger scanning along with voice scan and hand geometry scam and even image scan. The image scans by image processing is a highly modified system. Secure ATM by image processing is adopted by most of the bank ATMs both in the private and government sectors. The image processing is a complex system involving a number of interwoven processes. The process of image processing from receiving the visual information to presentation of the screen involves two major processes.

The major 3 process involved in Secure ATM image processing are, 1Discretization and representation, 2.Processing, 3.Analysis. Discretization and representation is changing the visual available into a discrete form which is compatible with the computer. Processing is done to improve on the quality of the image by filtering it. Data is also compresses to save space. Analysis of the image is also done by taking out the image features, qualifying the shapes and also registering them along with recognizing them. The various process makes the Bank ATMs secure thus is widely being adopted leaving behind the old biometric system.

Related Seminar topic: Real Time Image Processing

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