Impedance Glottography Seminar Abstract, Report

An Introduction to Impedance Glottography
Impedance Glottography is the measurement of time variation of contact between the vocal folds in human body. These vocal folds are vibrating in nature. This study helps in understanding voice production and details about vocal chords better. It basically deals with measuring vocal fold contact area. This means the measurement of the area of contact. The device which is used for this measurement is known as impedance glottograph. This technology is used to detect vocal disorders. It is also used for other purposes like pitch determination, voice classification and speech synthesis. The name of this technique comes from the word glottis, which is the opening in the larynx.

This technique helps us understand the process of voice production better. It also helps us monitor possible faults like shimmer in the voice. In this method, two electrodes are kept at the level of the larynx and current of bearable value is passed through them. The body has impedance of this current. The impedance depends upon the tissue path length. The received signal using this experiment is demodulated and we get waveform for analysis. The graph obtained is used for assessment of the vocal folds. This method can also be used to detect vocal troubles which could arise in the future.

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