Duedil Database Seminar Abstract, Report

An introduction to Duedil (Company Database)
Duedil is a tool that keeps the information of all the companies in UL and Ireland regions. People may get this information very easily using this tool. It was introduced in the market in 2011. At this moment Duedill is the largest provider of information on private companies in the above said region. The tool has got several features and all of them are very much user friendly. It will provide you the opportunity to find business information about companies sector wise. Millions of business information are stored in the database of this tool and you can search them as per your requirement or using several keywords.

Duedill is a tool that pulls data from various sources and then digitizes it. It follows the working principle of an aggregator. Search with this tool not only provides various types of information about each company, but also shows profiles of directors. The tool is also responsible to provide you all the updates of a particular company of your choice. You can actually follow the company for instant updates. The tool is also can be integrated with different social networking sites. The impact of this company is noticeable and also has received almost all the start up awards in the UK.

We prepared and published this seminar abstract for final year engineering students seminar research. You should do your own research additional to this information before presenting your seminar.
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