What to do after completing engineering in Computer Science(CSE)?

Poll: What to do after CSE graduation?
Software Jobs / IT Jobs
Higher Education
Start up business
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Computer Science Engineering is the most popular branch for engineering aspirants. We at Collegelib invite you to share your ideas on "what to do" after completing CSE graduation. Let us explore the opportunities in Job Opportunities, higher education possibilities, doing MBA or doing a start-up business... Tell me what you think and plan for your future, what are the courses after computer science engineering? Career after computer science engineering, What are the best PG courses after computer science engineering?
Well if you complete it you will have a number of job in the field of IT. And you will sure have good opportunities only in the field of computers, which ever field you will try you will have to work with the computers.
It is best to explore for Job Opportunities or doing a start-up business.
Hi Surya,
I think you should start business because it's good for your future and our too because you give a chance of employment many students.
Hi Satybarole, it is an open question, I do, how ever I would like to have a brainstorming on this topic so everybody gets benefited.

I also prepared an article today on Benefits of doing M.Tech after B.Tech for all Collegelib B.Tech students.