Tips for lab examination, Great ideas to score high your engineering practical lab.

Lab exams are playing increasing roles in the overall academic assessment of a student. Following are some important tips to for a successful lab exam

Read the problem statement carefully, do not skip any instruction. Skipping some instruction may render the whole work useless in the end. In case of doubt, do not assume anything which is not mentioned, Instead ask the Lab Assistant.

Make a plan to manage the time before starting. This will help to stay calm in the exam. Check whether all the equipments are there and ready for use. After obtaining the result, see if it makes sense, and check the units. This may help to identify silly mistakes made during the exam.

Practice. This is the most important prerequisites required for your LAB Exam. Practice all the possible example questions and obtain the output before your exam days. If you find difficulty in getting output for any question, ask specific questions to your instructor and they will be happy to help you. Never think, reading an experiment notes can be a replace practise. You have to practice and get output yourself.

Good luck for your Lab Exams.