Speed reading APP Technology Seminar Report Abstract (apps for reading faster)

Spritz, Speed Reading Technology, an introduction
Speed Reading Technology or Spritz has been developed to use them for reading not more than a thousand words per minute. This is a fabulous application. This is designed with so much flexibility that you can use it everywhere online as well as in your wearable. It supports almost all the operating systems. This new application has also upgraded itself for reading on mobile devices as well. It has used a new technology, namely radical for mobile users. There is enough evidence that concludes that this technology has improved communication far better. This technology can be used for reading any material efficiently and comfortably in any mobile devices.

The reading speed per minute can be controlled as well. People who would like to experience, the conventional speed of reading books would like to slow the speed a bit down for their convenience. Spritz has provided all kinds of reading facilities. In coming smart phones by Samsung you will be able to avail this technology for better experience. With the help of Spritz you can read 900 words in only less than sixty seconds and that sounds amazing though many people would like to read it slower. In this application the developers have used the amazing power of RSVP to speed up reading texts.

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